end strike 23.50   The Verizon strike is ended.
  call strike 23.37   Called strike three.
  throw strike 17.25   He threw strikes.
  join strike 13.50   Bus workers also joined the strike.
  launch strike 13.36   IG BAU launched its strikes last Monday.
  stage strike 10.53   Residents stage a strike against military troops.
  threaten strike 10.34   Plantation workers threaten strike.
  continue strike 8.03   NATO continued the strikes.
  avert strike 7.77   But a strike was averted each time.
  settle strike 7.37   This strike will be settled.
  support strike 5.79   Not everyone supports the strikes.
  avoid strike 5.00   Both sides say they hope to avoid a strike.
  begin strike 4.94   She had begun the strike on Monday.
  plan strike 4.94   More strikes are planned next week.
  suspend strike 4.02   The strike was suspended Friday.
  take strike 3.36   Vaughn takes strike three.
  get strike 3.29   Yesterday she got three strikes.
  organize strike 3.29   Workers to organize nationwide strike next week.
  report strike 3.16   A strike also was reported on Novi Slankamen near Novi Sad.
  authorize strike 3.09   The union has already authorized a strike.
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