reduce stress 9.55   How does all this reduce stress?
  relieve stress 6.78   It relieves stress.
  put stress 5.13   That means putting stress on it.
  cause stress 3.55   What caused the stress?
  handle stress 2.90   The mind handles stress.
  ease stress 2.30   Ease stress.
  create stress 2.11   The moves, Lo said, created stresses.
  place stress 2.04   Stardom may place further stress on her family life.
  feel stress 1.58   The FDA is feeling huge stress.
  avoid stress 1.25   Reeves is supposed to avoid any stress.
  suffer stress 1.12   She said he was suffering stress while he tries to buy a home.
  experience stress 1.05   His calling in life is to have fun and never experience stress.
  have stress 1.05   I had no stress.
  alleviate stress 0.99   To alleviate my stress, I tried doing a side business here.
  lay stress 0.99   Parker lays great stress on training and productivity.
  increase stress 0.92   Situational factors also increased stress.
  manage stress 0.92   In other words, you can manage your stress.
  add stress 0.86   And this adds more stress to the burgeoning stack.
  face stress 0.79   Hargrett is facing stresses beyond those on the job.
  undergo stress 0.72   Now that world is undergoing the stress of great change.
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