dollar strengthen 9.74   The dollar strengthened against the yen.
  peso strengthen 4.54   The peso strengthened.
  yen strengthen 3.75   Now the yen is strengthening.
  economy strengthen 3.62   The economy is slowly strengthening.
  government strengthen 2.76   Governments can strengthen partnerships.
  currency strengthen 2.57   The Indonesia currency also strengthened.
  mark strengthen 2.24   The mark strengthened against all currencies.
  pressure strengthen 2.17   This high pressure is strengthening.
  storm strengthen 2.04   Storm strengthens toward Cuba.
  move strengthen 1.58   Such a move would greatly strengthen U.S. imports.
  rupiah strengthen 1.58   The rupiah would strengthen considerably in expectation.
  market strengthen 1.38   European markets are also strengthening.
  step strengthen 1.12   Harvard recently took another step to strengthen the NIH connection.
  agreement strengthen 0.92   If successful, an agreement would strengthen links between News Corp. and TCI in Europe.
  country strengthen 0.92   The Asian countries are strengthening their regional co-operation.
  election strengthen 0.92   The election also strengthened Gerry Adams, the leader of Sinn Fein.
  price strengthen 0.92   Bond prices strengthened.
  wind strengthen 0.92   The wind had strengthened during the night.
  acquisition strengthen 0.86   Boeing said the acquisition would strengthen its defense and space segment.
  visit strengthen 0.86   He said the visit would further strengthen cooperation between the two countries.
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