do stop 9.61   What can I do to stop it?
  intervene stop 8.23   Police intervened to stop the barrage.
  sue stop 3.62   Luyt sued to stop him.
  act stop 3.16   If we find it, we act to stop it.
  work stop 2.63   To stop working.
  use stop 2.50   Botox can also be used to stop excessive sweating.
  can stop 2.44   I do whatever I can to stop Jalen.
  fight stop 2.30   Slave descendants fight to stop gold mine.
  campaign stop 0.72   In the meantime, the Botanical Garden has campaigned to stop the project.
  set_up stop 0.59   Barriers were set up to stop any oil from spilling into the sea.
  court stop 0.53   Opponents have also gone to court to stop it, unsuccessfully thus far.
  dive stop 0.53   Early in the second, he dived to stop a fierce left-footed drive.
  introduce stop 0.53   The ban on hunting was introduced to stop the imminent extinction of some big game animals.
  be stop 0.46   When the umpire said there was no rule to stop Kucera, Agassi decided to retaliate.
  launch stop 0.46   That campaign was launched to stop a crackdown by former President Slobodan Milosevic against ethnic Albanian separatists.
  intercede stop 0.39   Amid news media and political attention, a judge interceded to stop that.
  arrive stop 0.33   But nobody arrived to stop the slaughter.
  battle stop 0.33   JANA, which is monitored in Cairo, said technicians were battling to stop the flow.
  cooperate stop 0.33   For the last few years, U.S. and Chinese law enforcement agencies have sometimes cooperated to stop contraband drug shipments.
  deploy stop 0.33   Paramilitary personnel have been deployed to stop people from leaving.
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