stepping stone 15.34   This is a critical stepping stone.
  large stone 3.75   One guard took a large stone to the chest.
  small stone 2.96   Five small stones have been placed on it.
  crushed stone 2.70   Fill that well with crushed stone.
  hurled stone 2.44   Demonstrators took cover among surrounding houses and hurled stones at the police.
  flat stone 2.17   A flat stone was used as a table.
  first stone 2.11   The first stone hit the carts.
  flying stone 1.65   Next came a fury of flying stones and insults.
  white stone 1.58   A single white wei chi stone.
  semi-precious stone 1.51   Keys to the rooms are set with semi-precious stones.
  standing stone 1.51   The standing stone rose white in the darkness.
  huge stone 1.38   One has been crushed by a huge stone.
  throwing stone 1.38   As the crowd surged forward and began throwing stones, Pakistani border guards opened fire.
  heavy stone 1.32   Avoid moving heavy stone whenever possible.
  gray stone 1.18   Moysheleb pointed to the jumbled pile of heavy gray stones.
  local stone 1.12   They rebuilt the church using local stone.
  natural stone 1.12   Where can you get natural stone?
  loose stone 1.05   His rear wheel spun on the loose stones.
  big stone 0.92   Big stones.
  black stone 0.92   Do you remember that black stone ring?
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