have stockpile 3.49   But the rebels have large stockpiles.
  reduce stockpile 3.23   Reducing nuclear stockpiles is no longer a utopian position.
  destroy stockpile 1.71   The stockpiles must be destroyed.
  replenish stockpile 0.92   Demand for paper products increased in the past few months as customers looked to replenish depleted stockpiles.
  maintain stockpile 0.72   Analysts say it has probably maintained hidden stockpiles of both.
  boost stockpile 0.59   Also, a jump in worldwide production has helped boost stockpiles.
  cut stockpile 0.53   The two leaders also approved treaties to cut stockpiles of chemical weapons.
  deplete stockpile 0.53   But even some Clinton administration officials say the Gore plan would deplete the stockpile.
  eliminate stockpile 0.46   Both countries, she said, should eliminate their stockpiles of deadly chemical weapons,
  erode stockpile 0.46   Without Russian supplies, strong demand from auto and electronics makers eroded stockpiles.
  hide stockpile 0.46   But Savimbi scattered his guerrillas and hid his stockpiles from U.N. monitors.
  build_up stockpile 0.39   Flights took place sporadically throughout the month in a desperate attempt to build up stockpiles of supplies before the winter.
  cover stockpile 0.39   The talks face huge differences on issues like whether to cover existing stockpiles or just ban future production.
  expand stockpile 0.39   Kile said most assessments are that India and Pakistan are expanding their stockpiles.
  keep stockpile 0.39   The emergency stockpile is being kept in storage tanks in New Jersey and Connecticut in case of supply disruptions.
  trim stockpile 0.39   Businesses were trimming stockpiles this year as the economy slowed to a crawl.
  use stockpile 0.39   These stockpiles are used for research purposes only.
  build stockpile 0.33   They have built stockpiles of boom as far north up the coast as the Umpqua River, which has a sensitive estuary.
  draw stockpile 0.33   Amplats has begun to draw down stockpiles to meet its obligations, Adler said.
  hold stockpile 0.33   But Britain, where De Beers holds its stockpile, has itself done little.
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