brief stint 9.94   Larsen had a brief stint back in Seattle.
  short stint 4.34   Short stints at a variety of jobs followed.
  second stint 4.21   This is his second stint with the Cubs.
  first stint 2.24   It was his first stint in the majors.
  long stint 1.97   Yet, Henry harbors no regrets about her long stint away.
  previous stint 1.58   Nielsen has had two previous stints with Columbus.
  third stint 1.45   This will be his third stint with Washington.
  successful stint 1.18   My first love and my most successful stints have been in movies.
  coaching stint 0.99   Henson is in his second coaching stint with the Aggies.
  longest stint 0.86   Longest stint at any stop is four years.
  training stint 0.79   He had prepared for the conditions in a recent training stint in Lyon.
  recent stint 0.72   He was caught with drugs in prison during his most recent stint.
  conditioning stint 0.66   Assigned D Todd Reirden to Worcester for a two-week conditioning stint.
  separate stint 0.66   He spent three separate stints on the DL.
  unsuccessful stint 0.59   Frentzen moves from an unsuccessful stint at Williams with much to prove.
  last stint 0.53   She told herself she could manage this one last stint.
  earlier stint 0.46   Giles hit a game-winning grand slam during an earlier stint with the Braves.
  lengthy stint 0.46   Lucid expressed feelings of isolation in her lengthy stint.
  teaching stint 0.46   Then he went to Saudi Arabia for a three-year teaching stint.
  overseas stint 0.39   On one overseas stint the family lived in Wildfleken, Germany.
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