opt stay 6.06   But Williams opted to stay.
  fight stay 3.82   You fight to stay alive.
  do stay 1.65   What is he doing to stay healthy?
  win stay 1.25   The Packers must win to stay in playoff contention.
  can stay 0.72   They will do everything they can to stay in Germany.
  work stay 0.66   They need to supplement their nest egg or return to work to stay active.
  apply stay 0.53   On Saturday, they marched to immigration headquarters to apply to stay here.
  battle stay 0.53   It saved seven match points as it battled to stay in the game.
  be stay 0.53   We are all staying.
  home stay 0.39   And now Erma Bombeck is home to stay.
  maneuver stay 0.39   The opposition still was suspicious of how Milosevic might maneuver to stay in power.
  say stay 0.39   Mayor Glenn Van Leer said most stayed with family or friends.
  figure stay 0.33   Either way, Black figures to stay close to the dugout.
  return stay 0.33   But too few men ever return to stay.
  run stay 0.33   The gallery watched him hit, then ran to stay up with him.
  use stay 0.33   Yeah, I remember used to stay on an island.
  fighting stay 0.26   Intel is at the top of the microprocessor heap and fighting to stay there.
  have stay 0.26   In all likelihood, Gray is soon going to have problems staying grounded.
  merge stay 0.26   Other companies have been merging to stay alive.
  prefered stay 0.26   The PLO leader told journalists that he prefered to stay behind to avoid infuriating the Israeli rightwing.
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