erect statue 2.37   The city erected a statue in his honor.
  unveil statue 1.51   The statue was unveiled by the Queen.
  build statue 1.32   But who builds statues to a released rapist?
  destroy statue 1.25   The Taliban destroyed the statues this year.
  have statue 1.18   Only dead guys have statues.
  see statue 1.18   Police cadets see that statue every day.
  place statue 1.12   Others said the statue should be placed in the black neighborhood where he grew up.
  move statue 0.92   He did not say how the statue would be moved.
  find statue 0.86   Finding the statue was only the beginning.
  take statue 0.79   However, he said he did not ask them to take the statue down.
  restore statue 0.72   Khalili wants the giant statues restored.
  give statue 0.66   Someone has given them statues of saints.
  include statue 0.66   It houses several masterpieces of Khmer art, including stone statues from Angkor.
  remove statue 0.66   University officials removed the statue and hid it in a barn.
  put statue 0.59   There even was a proposal to put the statue on an island in the Nile.
  return statue 0.59   The statue was returned to Egypt in May.
  create statue 0.53   The statues are created out of something Pak calls Pakstone.
  damage statue 0.53   Vandals also painted anti-Church graffiti and damaged a statue of the Madonna.
  make statue 0.53   The statue is made of marble.
  steal statue 0.53   The statue was stolen Sunday.
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