declare statehood 6.25   The Jews declared statehood.
  oppose statehood 3.03   He also opposes Palestinian statehood.
  support statehood 1.51   Rossello supports statehood.
  favor statehood 1.18   The ruling party favors statehood.
  demand statehood 0.92   The Palestinians are expected to demand full statehood.
  endorse statehood 0.92   Clinton virtually endorsed Palestinian statehood last year.
  achieve statehood 0.72   The quarters are being issued in the order that the states achieved statehood.
  back statehood 0.53   Last week, Clinton explicitly backed statehood.
  obtain statehood 0.46   Arafat said the Palestinians would fight until they obtained statehood.
  grant statehood 0.39   D. Will finally grant statehood to Lubbock.
  accept statehood 0.33   That was a slap at Mr. Sharon, who has accepted statehood, albeit under strict conditions.
  delay statehood 0.33   Arafat asks for official U.S. proposal to delay statehood.
  get statehood 0.33   He has staked his reputation on the Oslo plan, telling his people it will get them statehood.
  include statehood 0.33   The plebiscite offers voters five choices, including statehood, which is expected to win.
  reject statehood 0.33   Once again statehood was rejected.
  seek statehood 0.33   The Palestinians are seeking full statehood in negotiations with Israel.
  win statehood 0.33   That would damage Bosnian Serb efforts to win statehood.
  negotiate statehood 0.26   Washington says Palestinian statehood should be negotiated in the final status peace talks with Israel.
  recognize statehood 0.26   The U.S. aim was to persuade Milosevic to recognize Bosnian statehood and cut off the flow of supplies to the Serbian separatists.
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