declare state 50.43   He has declared a state of emergency.
  leave state 11.65   He could not leave the state.
  sue state 10.20   He sued the state.
  represent state 9.02   Every state will be represented.
  establish state 7.11   A Jewish state was established in the Mideast.
  impose state 6.71   Authorities impose state of emergency.
  include state 6.32   Lots of good information there, including state laws.
  visit state 5.99   But she has visited the state.
  say state 5.60   Heresy, said the state of Tennessee.
  win state 4.87   Bush won the state.
  recognize state 4.54   U.S. recognizes state immediately.
  create state 4.08   The Palestinian state will be created.
  prevent state 4.08   Likud would prevent Palestinian state.
  enter state 3.88   Enter state Rep. Willie Logan of Opa-Locka.
  discuss state 3.82   He also discusses state of merger.
  neighbor state 3.62   Liquor is smuggled in from neighboring states.
  run state 3.36   They run states.
  help state 3.29   The church is helping the state, not vice versa.
  carry state 3.16   So he carried the state.
  prohibit state 3.03   States are prohibited from taxing most of the retirement income of former residents.
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