blank stare 6.58   Blank stare.
  cold stare 1.65   He gave her a cold stare.
  icy stare 1.12   Rachel fixed him with an icy stare.
  hard stare 0.92   As he passed, he gave us a hard stare.
  vacant stare 0.92   No vacant stares.
  intense stare 0.66   Leto has the hair, the moustache, the stocky physique, even the intense stare.
  wide-eyed stare 0.59   I expected double-takes and wide-eyed stares.
  angry stare 0.53   -- Angry stares.
  curious stare 0.46   But even riding the bus, she said, she gets curious stares.
  fixed stare 0.46   Dan Oliver asked Yates with a fixed stare.
  stony stare 0.46   She gave him a stony stare.
  long stare 0.39   Doyle gave her a long stare.
  silent stare 0.39   Still the silent stare.
  unblinking stare 0.39   Her eyes are fixed forward in an unblinking stare.
  cool stare 0.33   He fixed her with a cool stare.
  hostile stare 0.33   He says he still feels the hostile stares from his neighbors.
  menacing stare 0.33   Clemens answered with his most menacing Ninja stare.
  piercing stare 0.33   I tried to avoid his piercing stare.
  steely stare 0.33   In the end, there was only his steely stare.
  disapproving stare 0.26   Hawk has certainly had time to get used to the disapproving stares and snide remarks.
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