food staple 1.65   Food staples such as cooking oil, meat and vegetables are in short supply.
  consumer staple 1.25   But makers of consumer staples benefited, too.
  repertory staple 0.79   Regional companies and university opera studios have made it a repertory staple.
  wardrobe staple 0.59   It is the quintessential wardrobe staple.
  holiday staple 0.39   Wreaths, a longtime holiday staple, are now a year-round best seller.
  breakfast staple 0.33   They also like grits, an enduring Southern breakfast staple.
  supermarket staple 0.33   Geese are not supermarket staples, like turkeys.
  pantry staple 0.26   Tomatoes can go into a quick and zesty sauce for that other pantry staple, pasta.
  summer staple 0.26   Eaten with a spoon, slushy water ices are a summer staple in an area where food is a passion.
  television staple 0.26   At least the Oscars had a previous existence to their becoming a television staple.
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