tense standoff 11.65   Tense standoff at Jewish shrine.
  political standoff 4.02   There could be a long political standoff.
  armed standoff 2.76   Uyesugi surrendered to police after a five-hour armed standoff.
  latest standoff 2.76   The latest standoff is the third in as many days.
  nuclear standoff 2.63   The nuclear standoff between Washington and Moscow is over.
  current standoff 2.50   The current standoff is having a similar effect.
  military standoff 2.24   So far, however, the result of all the bluster was a military standoff.
  long standoff 1.97   She surrendered after a long standoff.
  diplomatic standoff 1.65   Diplomatic standoff continues.
  church standoff 0.99   Accord on church standoff appears near.
  bitter standoff 0.92   But their bitter standoff is about more than those issues or the taxpayer dollars they represent.
  recent standoff 0.92   He was, however, been in close contact with U.S. President Clinton during the recent standoff.
  weeklong standoff 0.86   But wider violence feared in the weeklong standoff failed to materialize.
  dangerous standoff 0.79   Wagah today is at the front line in a dangerous standoff between the two uneasy neighbors.
  similar standoff 0.79   In southern Croatia, there were similar standoffs.
  all-night standoff 0.66   The fire ended an all-night standoff.
  brief standoff 0.66   Their discovery sparked a diplomatic protest and a brief military standoff.
  continuing standoff 0.66   Thus the continuing standoff with Saddam.
  daylong standoff 0.66   The protests turned violent Thursday after a daylong standoff with riot police.
  previous standoff 0.66   Such trouble was minor compared to previous standoffs, when much bigger crowds turned drunken and violent after dark.
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