new standard 54.44   A new standard was set.
  high standard 45.23   High moral standards and all that.
  international standard 43.19   An international standard will take even longer.
  higher standard 27.91   And I get a higher standard.
  federal standard 19.95   It found no violations of federal standards.
  environmental standard 18.43   The company had let environmental standards slide.
  national standard 17.38   And by national standards, they are not.
  academic standard 14.75   Their academic standards are high.
  minimum standard 14.09   Hundt wanted minimum standards.
  same standard 12.97   Desserts keep to the same high standards.
  tougher standard 11.26   Again, Christians have a tougher standard.
  different standard 11.06   Different standards.
  uniform standard 9.94   Uniform standards, please.
  ethical standard 9.15   And I should have set a higher ethical standard.
  western standard 8.76   By Western standards, Japan was defeated.
  legal standard 8.43   Reasonable suspicion is a lower legal standard.
  accounting standard 8.29   It means strict accounting standards.
  highest standard 8.10   She wants to play at the highest standard.
  strict standard 7.37   It means strict accounting standards.
  technical standard 6.71   Now there is an open technical standard.
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