political stalemate 4.94   The political stalemate meanwhile remains total.
  current stalemate 2.37   How long can the current stalemate last?
  bloody stalemate 0.99   It was a bloody stalemate.
  continuing stalemate 0.86   He tried to put a positive spin on the continuing stalemate.
  military stalemate 0.72   The outcome might then have been a negotiated peace or, at best, a military stalemate, he contends.
  continued stalemate 0.59   What it really wants is a continued stalemate between the White House and Capitol Hill.
  diplomatic stalemate 0.53   But basically a diplomatic stalemate has prevailed.
  congressional stalemate 0.46   For now, at least, it appears that congressional stalemate is likely.
  legislative stalemate 0.46   Jones sees a legislative stalemate if Gore gets elected and the Republicans hold onto Congress.
  bitter stalemate 0.39   By August, negotiations ground to a bitter stalemate.
  goalless stalemate 0.39   But Chelsea and Tottenham fought out a goalless stalemate at Stamford Bridge.
  partisan stalemate 0.39   This partisan stalemate was frustrating to insiders but actually quite okay.
  prolonged stalemate 0.39   The traditional battles have led to prolonged stalemates and enormous costs.
  long stalemate 0.33   All sides have settled into what could be a long stalemate.
  nuclear stalemate 0.33   What ended with the Cold War was bipolarity, the nuclear stalemate and decades of containment of the Soviet Union.
  recent stalemate 0.33   The rate cut came as a surprise in view of the recent stalemate in the budget talks.
  yearlong stalemate 0.33   On Wednesday, their prime ministers broke a yearlong stalemate and agreed to try again to resolve their territorial and other disputes.
  latest stalemate 0.26   But later there were the first sign of a break in the latest stalemate.
  parliamentary stalemate 0.26   The elections have been called one year early after months of parliamentary stalemate.
  protracted stalemate 0.26   A protracted stalemate would be unprecedented.
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