offense sputter 3.16   Their offense sputtered.
  economy sputter 1.65   Fifteen months later, the economy is still sputtering.
  engine sputter 0.86   Your engine sputters.
  talk sputter 0.72   Soon after, endorsement talks for Venus sputtered.
  car sputter 0.53   Is your kitchen sink clogged or does the car sputter?
  stock sputter 0.39   Bonds set new highs this week as Japanese stocks have sputtered on the gloomy outlook.
  machine sputter 0.33   Fujimori political machine sputters in Peru.
  rally sputter 0.33   Some traders said they expect the stock rally to sputter for a few weeks.
  company sputter 0.26   Even relatively strong online companies have been sputtering recently.
  growth sputter 0.26   At the same time, U.S. exports, whose growth has sputtered since early spring, declined.
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