group spring 2.50   Self-help groups sprang up.
  hope spring 2.04   So hope springs eternal.
  industry spring 1.51   An advice industry has sprung up.
  company spring 1.32   And companies soon sprang up to sell them.
  city spring 0.92   The city sprang up around the confluence of these two rivers.
  community spring 0.72   New communities sprang up.
  house spring 0.72   Coffee houses are springing up nationwide.
  idea spring 0.72   The idea sprang from her own travails.
  market spring 0.72   Perhaps the gold market will spring back to life again soon.
  hotel spring 0.66   All-suite hotels are springing up like beanstalks.
  spring spring 0.66   Spring has sprung.
  club spring 0.59   Clubs have sprung up.
  movement spring 0.59   Social movements spring to life.
  site spring 0.59   Enormous Internet Web sites have sprung up around her.
  checkpoint spring 0.53   KLA checkpoints have sprung up in other Kosovo towns, including Suva Reka and Kacanic.
  business spring 0.46   In front of the ruins, small businesses have sprung up.
  one spring 0.46   New ones are springing up every day.
  party spring 0.46   Many other political parties are springing up in the new climate of freedom.
  program spring 0.46   In eastern Massachusetts, seed implant programs are springing up all over.
  boat spring 0.39   The boat had sprung a leak and it was sinking fast.
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