rapid spread 4.81   Vietnam is also seeing a rapid spread in HIV infections.
  wider spread 2.76   A wider spread implies a lower relative price.
  possible spread 2.57   Still, GM said that there were some limits to the possible spread of the new approach.
  further spread 2.04   There is no immediate sign of further spread.
  fighting spread 1.91   The fighting then spread to the streets of Lamitan.
  narrower spread 1.91   With spreads narrower, profits will fall.
  wide spread 1.05   Such wide spreads have blunted the effect of monetary policy.
  geographical spread 0.99   The geographical spread of the observers is skewed.
  global spread 0.99   We are concerned at the continuing global spread of AIDS.
  later spread 0.99   The unrest later spread to Amman.
  narrow spread 0.99   The narrow spreads suggest mortgages are relatively expensive.
  shooting spread 0.99   Area residents were stunned and saddened as word of the shooting spread.
  buffet spread 0.86   The buffet spread is country cooking at its finest.
  trading spread 0.79   Decimals seek to narrow trading spreads between buying and selling prices.
  huge spread 0.72   All morning, Rathburn decoyed geese into the huge spread.
  narrowing spread 0.66   The narrowing spreads, though, offered one more reason to stay.
  selling spread 0.66   Wall Street responded with selling spread across the market.
  big spread 0.59   The big spread in Playboy.
  then spread 0.59   The fighting then spread to the streets of Lamitan.
  delicious spread 0.53   The guests were treated to a delicious spread of food and Christmas cookies.
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