play sport 20.41   He played sports.
  love sport 7.24   We love sport!
  dominate sport 4.67   And they dominate their sports.
  take sport 3.82   Take sports, for example.
  watch sport 3.55   But watching the sport?
  quit sport 3.29   His son quit the sport.
  promote sport 3.23   We need to build the names up, and in turn, promote the sport.
  enjoy sport 2.83   I enjoy the sport.
  cover sport 2.76   Cover the sport, that is.
  run sport 2.63   We used to run sports.
  make sport 2.50   But the fans make the sport.
  use sport 2.37   Venezuela can use the sports training.
  leave sport 2.30   She leaves the sport happy with who she was.
  ban sport 1.97   Professional sports are banned in Cuba.
  like sport 1.97   You like sports?
  include sport 1.91   Your elbow also needs a rest from abusive activity, including sports.
  have sport 1.84   We have enough sports.
  transcend sport 1.84   He transcends his sport.
  see sport 1.65   Boys see sports on TV and have something to aspire to.
  follow sport 1.58   He follows sports.
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