corporate sponsor 29.69   Call in corporate sponsors.
  major sponsor 9.55   The major sponsor?
  chief sponsor 7.31   Roth is the chief Senate sponsor of the trade bill.
  olympic sponsor 7.24   They are Olympic sponsors.
  main sponsor 6.19   Lloyds Bank is the main sponsor.
  new sponsor 5.33   There was a new sponsor.
  official sponsor 4.08   Budweiser is an official sponsor.
  state sponsor 3.69   Pyongyang is on a U.S. list of state sponsors of terrorism.
  potential sponsor 3.03   It is designed to lure potential sponsors.
  primary sponsor 3.03   His primary sponsor had been Roush.
  republican sponsor 2.30   The Republican sponsors did not disagree.
  commercial sponsor 2.11   Did he offend the commercial sponsors?
  principal sponsor 1.91   Its principal sponsors are Michael and Judy Ovitz.
  leading sponsor 1.84   The West accuses Iran of being a leading sponsor of terrorism.
  national sponsor 1.58   Chrysler Corp. is the national sponsor.
  key sponsor 1.45   Washington also considers Iran as a key sponsors of international terrorism.
  local sponsor 1.45   Local sponsors are The Atlanta Journal- Constitution, WSB-TV, Nasdaq and Sprint.
  democratic sponsor 1.32   So far, the bill has no Democratic sponsors.
  private sponsor 1.32   Private sponsors have vanished.
  lead sponsor 1.25   Smith was the lead House sponsor of the immigration reforms passed last year.
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