lower spine 1.51   Inhale and hollow the back by lifting the lower spine.
  cervical spine 1.12   ...the discs in the upper cervical spine.
  fractured spine 0.53   One of the injured suffered a fractured spine.
  dendritic spine 0.46   An absence of dendritic spines has also been found in brain autopsies of schizophrenics.
  broken spine 0.39   If her broken spine had moved another half-inch, she would have been paralyzed.
  central spine 0.39   The segments are connected by a central spine, and each has a pair of electrical servomotors.
  sharp spine 0.39   Their backs and the tops of their heads are covered with sharp spines.
  upper spine 0.39   The damage is in his upper spine.
  human spine 0.33   The human spine tapers off at its base.
  long spine 0.33   The long spines of the sea urchins protect them from most predators.
  bruised spine 0.26   He had a bruised spine, and he was advised not to go back.
  little spine 0.26   They had barbs on their little spines like fish hooks.
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