head spin 3.82   Are heads spinning?
  company spin 3.09   The company will spin off its restaurant chains later this year.
  car spin 2.70   The car spun, the tires singing.
  wheel spin 2.44   The rear wheels spun in the sand.
  ball spin 1.58   The ball spun funny.
  life spin 0.79   His life spins out of control.
  room spin 0.72   The room spun.
  violence spin 0.66   Violence spins Colombia down a dark spiral of blood.
  spider spin 0.59   The spider was spinning its web.
  thing spin 0.59   Things were spinning out of control fast.
  earth spin 0.46   The earth is spinning west to east.
  event spin 0.46   In Kosovo, though, events could spin out of all control.
  plane spin 0.46   Witnesses said the plane spun out of control before crashing.
  storm spin 0.46   The same storm also spun out a tornado that struck a few minutes earlier in Braham, Minn.
  vehicle spin 0.46   Other vehicles then spun out of control and landed in ditches and medians.
  world spin 0.46   The world only spins forward.
  child spin 0.39   The children were spinning a top.
  economy spin 0.39   At the same time, Asian economies were spinning out of control.
  plate spin 0.39   Plates are spinning.
  system spin 0.39   Last year the system spun totally out of control.
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