analyst speculate 17.71   Analysts have speculated about travel agents.
  investor speculate 13.10   Investors are speculating the bank will be bought.
  official speculate 11.85   Local officials would not speculate on a cause.
  trader speculate 10.27   Traders speculate those will be metals and energy.
  medium speculate 8.95   Japanese media have speculated the scandal is far wider.
  newspaper speculate 8.82   But newspapers speculated more defections may be in the works.
  report speculate 7.11   Other news reports speculated that he was murdered.
  police speculate 5.73   Police have not speculated on a motive.
  expert speculate 5.60   For now, experts can only speculate.
  observer speculate 4.34   Observers speculate that an IRA ceasefire is imminent.
  scientist speculate 3.82   Some scientists speculate that such cells may have existed here.
  researcher speculate 3.55   The researchers speculate on several reasons for this.
  people speculate 3.09   People are speculating.
  press speculate 2.57   Often the press will speculate on what an athlete will do.
  authority speculate 2.04   Authorities did not speculate on a motive.
  investigator speculate 2.04   Investigators would not speculate on a motive for the killings.
  source speculate 1.84   The source would not speculate on what charges Fortier could face.
  diplomat speculate 1.58   Some diplomats speculated he had suffered a stroke.
  commentator speculate 1.51   Commentators have speculated that the motives could be more national.
  executive speculate 1.45   Industry executives are speculating that Koppel will stay at ABC.
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