brazilian soybean 3.16   Soybeans fell slightly on reports of huge Brazilian soybean yields.
  modified soybean 2.17   Modified soybeans are approved only as animal feed.
  south_american soybean 1.71   So did ongoing reports of delays in South American soybean movement.
  record soybean 1.32   The USDA is predicting a record soybean crop.
  higher soybean 1.18   Wheat followed soybeans higher.
  crushing soybean 0.79   Domestic processors are crushing soybeans for soybean meal and oil at a record pace.
  second-largest soybean 0.79   Brazil is the second-largest soybean producer in the world.
  engineered soybean 0.72   So what if the FDA and the European Union have given their blessings to genetically engineered soybeans?
  largest soybean 0.59   It is the largest soybean meal exporter and the second largest exporter of soybean oil.
  new soybean 0.59   The new soybeans have a third as much linolenic acid as conventional varieties.
  fermented soybean 0.53   True, miso soup is made from fermented soybeans and malted rice.
  altered soybean 0.46   Anderau said the German supplier had assured Kraft-Jacobs-Suchard that the lecithin was free of genetically altered soybeans.
  biggest soybean 0.46   The United States is the biggest soybean producer.
  major soybean 0.46   None of the threatened states is a major soybean producer.
  raw soybean 0.46   Analysts say declining prices for soymeal and soybean oil continue to drag down the price for raw soybeans.
  domestic soybean 0.39   Domestic soybean oil use has been at a record high level lately.
  high soybean 0.39   Soybeans jumped after the government reported a record high soybean crush for May.
  increased soybean 0.39   Gains were limited by expectations of increased soybean exports from South America.
  large soybean 0.39   Prospects for a large Brazilian soybean crop are keeping a lid on soybean prices.
  strong soybean 0.39   Corn futures prices also opened slightly higher, mostly because of the strong soybean push.
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