chicken soup 11.59   ...chicken soup.
  hot soup 5.00   Ladle on the hot soup.
  vegetable soup 2.96   A can of vegetarian vegetable soup.
  cold soup 2.70   Serve cold soup in chilled glass bowls.
  mushroom soup 2.30   Terrific mushroom soup.
  canned soup 2.04   Canned soups.
  large soup 2.04   Serve in large soup bowls.
  hearty soup 1.45   Serve this hearty soup with rye toast or crusty bread.
  pumpkin soup 1.38   This year, it will be pumpkin soup.
  homemade soup 1.32   So then I made him homemade chicken soup.
  thick soup 1.32   Lunch consisted of a thick vegetable soup.
  cream soup 1.05   It should be like a moderately thick cream soup.
  shallow soup 1.05   Pour mixture into a shallow soup bowl.
  undiluted soup 0.99   Dump the undiluted soup into a bowl.
  good soup 0.86   What we need is some good soup.
  chilled soup 0.79   Serve in chilled soup bowls.
  condensed soup 0.72   Here are recipes using condensed soups.
  primordial soup 0.72   Out of this primordial soup of the imagination evolved a potent literary brew.
  thin soup 0.72   They drank thin soup and shivered.
  warm soup 0.72   Strain and pour into warm soup bowls.
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