sing song 45.82   Shall I sing a song?
  write song 27.45   Always, he wrote songs.
  play song 13.17   They play eight songs.
  record song 7.97   Some songs were recorded in one take.
  hear song 6.58   Hear dolphin song.
  perform song 6.45   He said the troupe also performed Western songs.
  download song 3.69   All I did was download a few songs!
  have song 3.29   Every swan has its song.
  include song 2.83   Does she include songs from the musical?
  use song 2.70   Coke will use its song in a variety of ways.
  compose song 2.17   The exact era in which the song was composed is a puzzle.
  do song 2.11   Let me do one song.
  feature song 2.11   Six Cure songs are featured.
  know song 1.78   We all know the songs.
  like song 1.65   I like the songs.
  love song 1.65   Love songs.
  cover song 1.58   Harper often covers Hendrix songs in his shows.
  finish song 1.45   They finished the song together.
  block song 1.38   And since last week, many more songs have been blocked.
  release song 1.38   The song was released under the name The Blues Brothers.
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