line snake 4.02   The line snaked around the building.
  road snake 0.79   The road snakes through the mountains.
  car snake 0.46   Cars snaked for blocks, waiting a turn for a full inspection.
  doctor snake 0.46   In angioplasty, doctors snake a catheter through a vein in the leg to a narrowed artery.
  cable snake 0.33   Cables snaked across the floor.
  river snake 0.33   Small rivers snaked through the fairways.
  wire snake 0.33   Black wires snaked from the end of each tube and were connected to a wristwatch atop the bundle.
  procession snake 0.26   In Ramallah, Palestinian police stayed away as the funeral procession snaked through town.
  tube snake 0.26   Ventilation tubes snaked everywhere.
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