see smoke 6.32   I saw the smoke.
  smell smoke 5.27   Do you smell smoke?
  blow smoke 5.07   He blew smoke at me.
  inhale smoke 2.83   He inhaled the smoke with obvious pleasure.
  send smoke 2.70   The blaze sent smoke over much of the city.
  report smoke 2.24   The pilots report smoke in the cockpit.
  belch smoke 2.04   Buses belch black smoke.
  spew smoke 1.51   The building spewed acrid smoke into the darkness.
  produce smoke 1.25   When heated, the pouch will produce smoke.
  spot smoke 1.18   Workmen there spotted the smoke.
  draw smoke 0.99   Her cheeks hollowed as she drew smoke into her lungs.
  have smoke 0.99   And they also have the smoke.
  detect smoke 0.92   They can detect tobacco smoke from two counties away.
  emit smoke 0.86   Lorries expelling black smoke and factories emitting white smoke.
  cause smoke 0.79   The smoke was caused by an overheated air conditioner.
  notice smoke 0.79   Then we noticed the smoke everywhere.
  use smoke 0.72   He sure could use a smoke, but the Army made him quit.
  trail smoke 0.59   Stephens said the plane was trailing smoke and pieces were falling off just before it crashed.
  billow smoke 0.53   An electric-light campfire that billows smoke.
  breathe smoke 0.53   MacLane lit up a cigarette and breathed smoke into the funnel of light.
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