man smile 4.08   The man smiled.
  people smile 2.11   People smile.
  woman smile 1.58   Women smiled.
  fortune smile 1.45   But fortune smiled on Franey.
  eye smile 1.05   Irish eyes are smiling.
  child smile 0.99   Does the child smile?
  girl smile 0.99   The girls smiled at each other.
  god smile 0.92   The football gods are smiling.
  two smile 0.86   The two are smiling at each other.
  boy smile 0.79   The boy smiled.
  leader smile 0.79   All three leaders are smiling dizzily.
  mother smile 0.79   Her mother smiled.
  father smile 0.72   His father smiled.
  face smile 0.66   His whole face smiled.
  guido smile 0.66   Guido smiled a grim smile.
  luck smile 0.59   On Wednesday, luck smiled on India.
  president smile 0.59   The president smiled proudly.
  queen smile 0.53   The queen smiled and waved her gloved hand.
  fan smile 0.46   Fans smile.
  soldier smile 0.46   The soldiers smiled uncomfortably.
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