have smell 2.24   Goldenrod has no smell.
  love smell 1.05   Not love this smell?
  like smell 0.92   Pigs like the smell, a lot.
  mask smell 0.86   To mask the smell, add essential oils to the mix.
  detect smell 0.66   Bees have a phenomenal ability to detect smells.
  notice smell 0.59   She noticed a smell of gas.
  remember smell 0.59   She remembered the smell of the carpets.
  report smell 0.53   Others reported the smell of gunpowder.
  cause smell 0.46   Happily the smell is caused by exhaust hydrocarbons which are efficiently removed by catalysts.
  cover smell 0.39   He took to smoking a pipe to try to cover the smell of rotting flesh.
  escape smell 0.39   Conway said no one can escape the smell of death around the crash site.
  hate smell 0.39   Hate the smell.
  add smell 0.33   To his natural wit we can add the smell of fame.
  carry smell 0.33   The wind carries the smell of death.
  describe smell 0.33   In its native Sumatra, the smell is described as being that of a rotting elephant.
  dislike smell 0.33   Rabbits are said to dislike the smell.
  identify smell 0.33   A friend who came by identified the smell as natural gas.
  smell smell 0.33   I was in the train smelling the smells and screaming.
  emit smell 0.26   The gland that emits this smell is located at the back of the neck, between the folds.
  exude smell 0.26   Or the subtle way in which a packed subway car during a blizzard exudes the smell of wet wool and humanity?
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