sweet smell 5.46   The flowers had a lovely sweet smell.
  acrid smell 4.67   The chemical has an acrid smell.
  strong smell 4.34   The dog had left a strong smell.
  foul smell 3.29   There was a foul smell.
  pungent smell 2.83   ...the pungent smell of burning rubber.
  bad smell 2.24   O.K., there is a bad smell.
  faint smell 1.91   Faint smell begins.
  musty smell 1.84   It was a damp musty smell.
  unpleasant smell 1.38   Unpleasant smell.
  familiar smell 1.12   There was the old familiar smell of the oak tree shade.
  strange smell 1.12   I smelt ... strange new smells.
  chemical smell 0.99   There was a chemical smell from the bomb itself.
  delicious smell 0.92   A delicious smell filled the air.
  sickly smell 0.92   ...the sickly smell of rum.
  stale smell 0.79   A stale smell.
  putrid smell 0.72   The hot air pushed out the putrid smells.
  cooking smell 0.66   Cooking smells wafted up from downstairs.
  heavy smell 0.66   A heavy smell of burned flesh hung in the air.
  lingering smell 0.66   When he wakes, the lingering smell of muffins makes his stomach rumble.
  sour smell 0.66   It was a sour smell, but good.
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