dollar slip 19.29   The dollar slipped.
  price slip 18.04   Bond prices slipped.
  stock slip 9.94   Stocks slipped.
  economy slip 3.55   There are reports the economy is slipping.
  share slip 3.55   Oil shares slipped.
  lead slip 3.23   Any size lead can slip away.
  ball slip 2.70   The ball slipped.
  foot slip 2.63   His foot slipped.
  future slip 2.63   Grain futures slipped lower.
  game slip 2.63   The game was slipping away.
  bond slip 2.17   Bonds slipped.
  opportunity slip 2.17   This opportunity will not slip away.
  company slip 1.97   Chemical companies also slipped.
  sale slip 1.78   Sales are slipping.
  man slip 1.71   And the man spotted slipping into his house?
  country slip 1.58   The whole country has slipped morally.
  market slip 1.58   The broader market slipped.
  currency slip 1.38   With few takers, the currency slipped.
  index slip 1.38   The key Tokyo index slipped.
  chance slip 1.25   Maybe this title chance slips away forever.
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