stock slide 5.60   Tokyo stocks slid.
  price slide 4.94   Tokyo stock prices slid.
  car slide 3.75   The car slid into a snowbank.
  dollar slide 3.23   The dollar slid against the yen.
  future slide 2.50   Cotton futures slid.
  country slide 1.91   A Latin American country slides toward chaos.
  door slide 1.78   The side doors slide.
  economy slide 1.51   The economy slid into recession.
  hand slide 1.51   His hands slide up, down.
  share slide 1.32   Oil shares slid.
  currency slide 1.12   Currency slides on fears of civil unrest.
  vehicle slide 1.05   Other vehicles slid into the median or off the shoulder.
  market slide 0.86   The administration does not want the market to slide, of course.
  thing slide 0.86   Since then, things have slid.
  index slide 0.79   Other indexes also slid.
  puck slide 0.66   Instead, the puck slid beneath him and into the goal.
  peso slide 0.59   The Mexican peso has slid badly in recent weeks.
  player slide 0.59   Players slid on the grass, risking knee and ankle injuries.
  sale slide 0.59   Sales have slid eight straight months.
  bus slide 0.53   All but two of the workers, whose bus had slid off the road on an oil slick, survived.
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