shell slam 7.90   More Serb shells slammed into Sarajevo.
  door slam 5.66   Doors slam.
  rocket slam 5.33   Rockets slammed into buildings.
  plane slam 4.28   And her plane slammed into the first tower.
  car slam 2.70   Suddenly the car slams to a halt.
  missile slam 2.11   Xinhua said three NATO missiles slammed into the embassy.
  official slam 1.71   State officials have also slammed Hancock.
  train slam 1.38   A Canadian passenger train slammed into a truck Friday.
  driver slam 1.18   The driver slammed on the brakes.
  jet slam 0.99   Then their jet slammed into a hillside and erupted in flames.
  grenade slam 0.92   An anti-tank grenade slammed into a French armored personnel carrier at the same spot Wednesday.
  group slam 0.92   Other strong Roma groups strongly slammed the accord.
  critic slam 0.86   The show was slammed by critics and plummeted in the ratings.
  helicopter slam 0.72   The helicopter apparently slammed into the mountain and exploded.
  truck slam 0.72   The truck slammed into the Mazda.
  bus slam 0.66   Police said the bus slammed into the back of the truck.
  mortar slam 0.66   Three mortars slammed into Atzmona, blasting craters in the ground.
  government slam 0.59   The government slammed the borders shut Wednesday and announced a new policy of only accepting as many refugees as are sent out.
  body slam 0.53   The WWF also had a body slam of an opening.
  leader slam 0.53   Meeting late Friday, union leaders slammed the ban but said they would observe it.
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