observe sky 6.32   Partly cloudy skies were observed elsewhere.
  fill sky 5.46   Clouds filled the sky.
  patrol sky 5.33   Police helicopters patrolled the skies.
  light sky 4.28   Fireworks lit the sky.
  expect sky 3.16   The Southeast was expecting sunny skies.
  clear sky 2.63   Rains clear skies but more dry weather due.
  report sky 2.50   Cloudy skies were also reported across Louisiana and eastern Texas.
  scan sky 2.50   Waiting, I scan the skies.
  predict sky 2.30   But most European experts predict clear skies.
  overcast sky 2.24   Skies were overcast and a light rain fell.
  see sky 2.24   Dorcas had never seen so much sky.
  forecast sky 2.17   Clearing skies were forecast for today.
  watch sky 1.71   We watched the skies.
  darken sky 1.45   Ominous thunderclouds instantly darkened the skies.
  illuminate sky 1.05   Anti-aircraft fire illuminating the sky.
  turn sky 1.05   The sun had turned the sky a glowing pink.
  have sky 0.99   Grbac had the sky to himself.
  search sky 0.99   He searched the skies for enemy bombers.
  cross sky 0.92   A column of smoke crossed the sky.
  bring sky 0.86   High pressure brought fair skies to much of the East.
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