fracture skull 5.53   The skull was not fractured.
  crush skull 2.04   Yatom said he crushed the skulls of the captives with a rock.
  find skull 1.97   It was quite a shock to find a skull.
  crack skull 1.71   Crack a few skulls.
  collapse skull 1.51   Late-term abortions involve killing the fetus by collapsing its skull while it is still in the uterus.
  smash skull 0.66   Many had their eyes gouged out, throats slit or skulls smashed.
  cut skull 0.59   They cut his skull from ear to ear across the top of his head and removed a large piece of skull.
  break skull 0.53   Behrens broke his skull and died on an Italian Marine helicopter taking him to a hospital on land.
  pierce skull 0.53   One of the thrusts pierced her skull.
  reconstruct skull 0.53   Both will need additional plastic surgery to cover their wounds and to further reconstruct their skulls.
  include skull 0.46   Kolbe flew into a rock pile and fractured six bones, including his skull.
  shatter skull 0.46   One bullet shattered his skull.
  open skull 0.39   This skull was probably opened for therapeutic reasons, and the man survived.
  penetrate skull 0.39   Sundin quickly examines the injured child and determines that shrapnel has penetrated the skull.
  puncture skull 0.33   The bullet punctured the skull.
  analyze skull 0.26   Conroy is co-developer of a way to analyze fossilized skulls using computed tomography, or CT, scans.
  cover skull 0.26   The skull was covered in brown mud.
  discover skull 0.26   The skull was discovered by deputies not far away from that spot, the sheriff said.
  have skull 0.26   One guy said he had a skull that he wanted me to see.
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