human skeleton 1.78   ...a human skeleton.
  complete skeleton 1.58   Complete skeletons were fou used to determine their ancestry.
  charred skeleton 0.66   Another charred skeleton of a house.
  partial skeleton 0.66   Then, partial skeletons, skulls and leg bones.
  metal skeleton 0.53   Only the scorched metal skeleton remained of the bus.
  black skeleton 0.33   Now it was just black skeletons and resin-coated sand.
  blackened skeleton 0.33   The explosion hurled bodies onto the street and left the bus a blackened skeleton.
  entire skeleton 0.33   They hope eventually to reproduce the entire skeleton, zur Nedden said.
  external skeleton 0.33   They set off allergic reactions when their feces pellets and jettisoned external skeletons are breathed in.
  intact skeleton 0.33   Only about seven intact skeletons of that age have been found in the Americas.
  the skeleton 0.33   The two skeletons were found among the wreckage.
  tiny skeleton 0.33   Dozen of tiny infant skeletons lay scattered around.
  twisted skeleton 0.33   The back end of the bus was a twisted skeleton of poles and metal.
  walking skeleton 0.33   Images of tiny corpses and walking skeletons brought foreign troops to Somali shores.
  coral skeleton 0.26   The coral skeleton is ground into small particles, but can not be digested.
  family skeleton 0.26   Does your story unearth family skeletons?
  mammoth skeleton 0.26   A mammoth skeleton also was found, said museum curator Dumitru Murariu.
  old skeleton 0.26   Old skeletons?
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