choir sing 4.67   Choirs sang.
  bird sing 2.83   But birds sing.
  woman sing 2.76   Women sometimes sang.
  child sing 2.30   Children sang in Hebrew.
  crowd sing 2.11   The crowd sang Nazi hymns.
  people sing 2.04   My people sang it.
  man sing 1.97   The man can REALLY sing.
  chorus sing 1.65   A chorus sang solemn liturgical music.
  group sing 1.25   The group sang same more.
  singer sing 1.25   Each singer then sang an aria.
  student sing 1.12   In the end, an unknown student sang her part.
  lady sing 1.05   The fat lady has sung.
  member sing 1.05   Each member sang an equal amount of the songs.
  kid sing 0.99   So these kids sing.
  mother sing 0.99   Her mother was singing lustily.
  fan sing 0.92   The fans sang and danced.
  character sing 0.86   And let the characters sing for themselves.
  girl sing 0.86   Sometimes this grown girl sang along.
  voice sing 0.86   Her voice would almost sing.
  song sing 0.79   But what is it about rocking chairs that makes people want to sing sad songs?
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