have similarity 5.20   They have many similarities.
  see similarity 5.00   I do see the similarity.
  share similarity 2.17   They share some similarities.
  bear similarity 1.91   They say the cases bear no similarity.
  find similarity 1.91   They also found a similarity in tooth enamel.
  note similarity 1.45   ESPN Magazine noted the similarity.
  bore similarity 0.92   Some bore similarities to modern thrillers.
  strike similarity 0.86   The candidates have striking similarities.
  notice similarity 0.79   Sampras noticed the similarity.
  show similarity 0.59   More pictures showed more similarities.
  stress similarity 0.59   We have so far stressed the similarity of strike waves.
  cite similarity 0.46   He cited the similarity in economic fundamentals between Thailand and the Philippines.
  detect similarity 0.46   Critics detected many similarities between Richler and Barney Panofsky.
  emphasize similarity 0.46   The commercial seeks to emphasize similarities between Giuliani and McCain.
  draw similarity 0.26   Clinton also drew similarities to the war in Bosnia.
  point_out similarity 0.26   They also pointed out similarities.
  recognize similarity 0.26   The vicereine recognizes deep similarities in their situations.
  suggest similarity 0.26   Superficially there is little to suggest any similarity.
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