win silver 17.51   Barry won the silver.
  take silver 7.31   He took the silver.
  have silver 1.18   She also has a silver,
  get silver 0.92   Egypt will get the silver.
  claim silver 0.86   Bangladesh claimed the silver.
  capture silver 0.66   Two other Cubans captured silver.
  polish silver 0.59   I polish the silver.
  use silver 0.59   The solder can be strengthened by using silver.
  add silver 0.53   Li added a silver to his all-round gold medal.
  buy silver 0.46   Hunt bought silver at a dizzying pace, obtaining millions of ounces.
  earn silver 0.39   He earned the silver.
  clean silver 0.33   I had a good go at cleaning the silver.
  snatch silver 0.33   But a British one-two was ruled out when German Florain Schwarthoff snatched the silver from Tony Jarrett.
  clinch silver 0.26   Germany also dominated team show jumping, and U.S. riders clinched the silver ahead of Brazil.
  find silver 0.26   You still can find silver if you want it.
  flash silver 0.26   Every inch of highway flashed silver with battered guardrail.
  lose silver 0.26   Despite losing the silver, there was some consolation for Japan.
  sell silver 0.26   Instead, he is selling his silver.
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