send signal 42.99   All clothing sends out signals.
  receive signal 11.26   But it does not receive television signals.
  give signal 10.80   The signal is given.
  transmit signal 7.37   The signals are transmitted via satellites.
  use signal 4.94   It uses infrared signals to communicate.
  carry signal 4.67   A thin cable carries the signal to a computer.
  mix signal 2.76   The signals are mixed.
  pick_up signal 2.70   U.N. picks up signal, hopeful for survivors.
  block signal 2.44   International radio stations found their signals blocked.
  detect signal 2.30   In principle you could detect a signal from a single nucleus.
  emit signal 2.24   The POD emits electronic signals to keep sharks away.
  get signal 1.97   And how are you going to get signals?
  call signal 1.91   She called the signals in Super Bowl MMXXX B.C.
  ignore signal 1.91   The government is not ignoring the signals.
  broadcast signal 1.84   But they do broadcast radio signals.
  relay signal 1.45   Yvars said he then relayed signals to hitters.
  convert signal 1.25   The signal will be converted into digital code.
  see signal 1.25   And you start to see signals of it.
  offer signal 1.18   He offered no signal.
  provide signal 1.18   The latest performance by US shares provided mixed signals.
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