reported sighting 3.29   Reported UFO sightings were common.
  first sighting 2.24   Our first whale sighting.
  recent sighting 1.38   The most recent sighting was last week, she said.
  last sighting 1.25   That was the last reported sighting.
  unconfirmed sighting 1.25   The unconfirmed sightings in a Baltimore suburb.
  confirmed sighting 1.05   There were leads, but no confirmed sightings of Rosales.
  possible sighting 0.66   Possible sightings have been pouring in to the authorities.
  false sighting 0.59   False sightings in Israel are common.
  alleged sighting 0.46   Nor have there been any alleged sightings of Ken Griffey Jr., scouting for a new house in Southlake.
  similar sighting 0.46   A similar sighting in another village was reported earlier in the year.
  visual sighting 0.46   The third is simply visual sightings of schools of tuna.
  occasional sighting 0.39   There are occasional sightings of both, but then they vanish.
  latest sighting 0.33   You have to read The Weekly World News to keep abreast of the latest sightings.
  public sighting 0.33   There has been no public sighting of the western hostages for weeks.
  brief sighting 0.26   There was a brief sighting of Rev. William P. Leahy, president of Boston College.
  further sighting 0.26   The RUC warned residents to keep their children in sight, and to phone in any further sightings.
  live sighting 0.26   All the while, they have been buffeted by scores of false reports of live sightings and other rumors.
  rare sighting 0.26   And Friday, there was a rare Mariner bullpen sighting.
  reliable sighting 0.26   The capture rate on Monday stood at one, with only eight reliable sightings.
  star sighting 0.26   Star sighting confirmed.
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