collective sigh 4.81   Can we have a collective sigh here?
  deep sigh 2.57   He sighs a deep sigh.
  big sigh 1.65   A big sigh of relief.
  long sigh 1.65   He lets out a long sigh.
  heavy sigh 1.58   Heavy sigh.
  huge sigh 1.51   She gave a huge sigh.
  audible sigh 1.25   He let out an audible sigh.
  weary sigh 1.18   Father Poole gave a weary sigh.
  little sigh 0.92   A little sigh.
  great sigh 0.66   She heaved a great sigh.
  exasperated sigh 0.53   Exasperated sigh.
  small sigh 0.53   She gave a small sigh.
  loud sigh 0.46   After her victory Graf breathed a loud sigh of relief.
  exaggerated sigh 0.39   Instead he gave an exaggerated sigh.
  ragged sigh 0.39   Jack dropped into his chair and let out his breath on a ragged sigh.
  harsh sigh 0.26   He sighed a harsh sigh.
  inward sigh 0.26   She sighed an inward sigh.
  soft sigh 0.26   She gave a soft sigh of contentment.
  theatrical sigh 0.26   She gave a theatrical sigh.
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