line sidewalk 2.24   Others lined the sidewalks, applauding.
  block sidewalk 1.32   The police will ticket them for blocking the sidewalk.
  fill sidewalk 0.86   Sidewalks are filled with strolling couples and families.
  crowd sidewalk 0.79   Sidewalks are crowded with women clad in vivid saris.
  sweep sidewalk 0.79   A woman sweeps the sidewalk outside her shop.
  litter sidewalk 0.72   Chairs and other debris littered the sidewalk.
  stroll sidewalk 0.72   Shoppers stroll the sidewalks of downtown.
  clog sidewalk 0.66   Vendors clog the sidewalks.
  use sidewalk 0.53   We used the sidewalk.
  cover sidewalk 0.46   Broken glass covered the sidewalks.
  pace sidewalk 0.46   I pace the sidewalk, watching for his truck.
  shovel sidewalk 0.46   Everyone was out shoveling their sidewalks.
  patrol sidewalk 0.39   Twice this week the police checked passing cars and patrolled the sidewalks.
  share sidewalk 0.39   She will not engender the animosity of the people who share the sidewalk.
  walk sidewalk 0.39   I have walked those sidewalks.
  widen sidewalk 0.39   Sidewalks had been widened.
  crack sidewalk 0.33   The sidewalk was cracked and buckled from the earthquake.
  jam sidewalk 0.33   Behind him, onlookers jam a sidewalk and gaze with frank curiosity at the camera.
  repair sidewalk 0.33   Proposals range from antismoking programs to repairing sidewalks to new hospitals.
  clear sidewalk 0.26   Almost all buildings had their sidewalks cleared well enough for pedestrians to pass easily.
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