government shutdown 34.50   After the government shutdown the tide turned.
  plant shutdown 2.63   However, no permanent plant shutdowns are expected.
  maintenance shutdown 1.12   Maintenance shutdowns will hurt growth in manufacturing.
  refinery shutdown 0.99   The Blue Mound refinery shutdown was one.
  factory shutdown 0.92   Xie told a press conference that a factory shutdown would do little good.
  production shutdown 0.92   It was the second production shutdown in a week for Petrobras.
  two-week shutdown 0.92   The two-week shutdown consists of nine workdays.
  engine shutdown 0.66   The problem has not caused any engine shutdowns, Kennedy said.
  six-day shutdown 0.66   The latest opposition-sponsored strike is part of a scheduled six-day shutdown.
  summer shutdown 0.66   The result is an ugly, litigious summer shutdown that could get worse.
  mill shutdown 0.59   It was the third big mill shutdown in the area in four years.
  computer shutdown 0.53   The plant will produce a part designed to save data in the event of a computer shutdown.
  three-week shutdown 0.46   Among other things, he downloaded software and stole data, leading to a three-week shutdown of some computers.
  two-day shutdown 0.46   A two-day shutdown.
  auto shutdown 0.39   Analysts said most of the decline last week probably came because of fewer seasonal auto plant shutdowns.
  budget shutdown 0.39   Wallace MICHIGAN -- How does the budget shutdown affect Detroit?
  four-day shutdown 0.39   The Commerce Department issued a revised release schedule for reports delayed by the four-day shutdown.
  one-day shutdown 0.39   The station is appealing the order for a one-day shutdown.
  company shutdown 0.33   The company shutdown comes at a time when the rousing economy has the job market booming.
  labor shutdown 0.33   Part of an NHL that could be facing a serious labor shutdown a few years down the road.
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