be show 4.61   Shown is the TWA terminal.
  use show 2.44   The monitor is used to show evidence to the jury.
  release show 2.04   Satellite video will be released showing mounds around the temple area.
  exist show 0.99   --Clinical evidence would have to exist showing medical benefits.
  say show 0.99   Ryan said that shows the system badly needs repair.
  do show 0.79   Anything owners can do to show they care about their fans and partners would be beneficial.
  have show 0.66   It has data showing that Erbitux can shrink tumors, but not that it lets people live longer.
  publish show 0.66   Durant says he saw a flow diagram published recently showing the steps to going public.
  work show 0.66   Then he took it to work to show his friends.
  present show 0.59   No evidence has been presented showing he participated directly in corrupt acts.
  emerge show 0.46   Accusations later emerged showing the state used Abdullah Catli, the crash victim hitman, in secret operations.
  gather show 0.46   It was one of several rallies throughout the country as Canadians gathered to show support for a united country.
  return show 0.46   Terrorism has returned to show a more ugly face.
  cite show 0.39   The great individualists so often cited to show the value of personal freedom have owed their successes to earlier social environments.
  wear show 0.39   More recently, black has been worn to show respect for the dead.
  come show 0.33   One week later, lab tests came back showing that Spencer and Laynie had the disorder, too.
  figure show 0.33   The Dodgers figure to show all the movement of a slug.
  make show 0.33   He made one showing the Thacher Park area where we often go, and it was very detailed.
  remain show 0.33   The museum remains to show what life was like during the Cold War.
  appear show 0.26   Opinion polls quickly appeared showing broad approval.
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