ride shotgun 3.62   I rode shotgun.
  fire shotgun 2.37   Joe fires a shotgun.
  use shotgun 2.24   Used a shotgun.
  carry shotgun 1.32   The team carried shotguns.
  have shotgun 1.12   Do they have a shotgun?
  point shotgun 0.86   The officers pointed shotguns at customers.
  buy shotgun 0.72   Nor did he buy the shotgun.
  hold shotgun 0.72   But like his friend he holds a shotgun.
  brandish shotgun 0.66   She brandished a shotgun at visitors.
  grab shotgun 0.66   He went inside and grabbed his shotgun.
  find shotgun 0.46   A shotgun was found by his body.
  put shotgun 0.46   He put the shotgun to her head, witnesses said.
  take shotgun 0.46   She took a shotgun and shot him.
  drop shotgun 0.33   Officer Del Debbio suspected that the man might be the one who dropped the shotgun.
  load shotgun 0.33   The vehicles had loaded shotguns in them, Nixon said.
  recover shotgun 0.33   The shotgun was recovered at the scene, he said.
  wield shotgun 0.33   Witnesses reported seeing a man dressed in black wielding a shotgun.
  bring shotgun 0.26   Two boys brought a shotgun to school property and got expelled.
  confiscate shotgun 0.26   Police detained one of the men for questioning and confiscated his shotgun.
  give shotgun 0.26   Instead of a gold watch, he was given a shotgun.
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