holiday shopper 4.81   Many holiday shoppers stayed home.
  last-minute shopper 2.24   Of course not all men are hapless, last-minute shoppers.
  mystery shopper 2.04   Who makes a good mystery shopper?
  weekend shopper 1.12   The lots are usually empty except for weekend shoppers.
  woman shopper 1.05   A woman shopper had on brown felt reindeer antlers.
  car shopper 0.86   But for that, a car shopper could get a sporty Honda Prelude.
  mall shopper 0.79   But her hits, which reached a nation of young mall shoppers, were what brought the advertisers.
  supermarket shopper 0.79   Even supermarket shoppers would agree.
  window shopper 0.72   Even in hard times, window shoppers abound.
  grocery shopper 0.66   Online grocery shoppers are more than eager to tell you about their adventures.
  catalog shopper 0.53   Attention, catalog shoppers!
  computer shopper 0.39   Christmas computer shoppers face a dilemma this year.
  toy shopper 0.39   On-line toy shoppers, take note.
  food shopper 0.33   Camire, incidentally, understands the heartbreak of the online food shopper.
  internet shopper 0.33   Internet shoppers, for example, can return purchases to regular stores.
  year shopper 0.33   It is expected to attract an estimated one million shoppers each year.
  comparison shopper 0.26   A comparison shopper.
  discount shopper 0.26   Careful discount shoppers can do better than sticker price.
  retail shopper 0.26   Retail shoppers can buy the Sun brand of Madras curry powder.
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