online shopper 5.73   Venus is also an online shopper.
  personal shopper 3.62   Find yourself a personal shopper.
  american shopper 1.91   American shoppers obviously are being careful.
  mexican shopper 1.51   Color map shows percent of Mexican shoppers at outlet malls.
  home shopper 0.92   Would BigTray sell to a home shopper?
  british shopper 0.86   The formula has been winning over British shoppers.
  young shopper 0.86   Young shoppers like Rosales are important to malls.
  early shopper 0.79   And it seemed that early shoppers got the best bargains.
  smart shopper 0.79   But smart shoppers can do even better.
  compulsive shopper 0.72   Men may also be compulsive shoppers.
  japanese shopper 0.72   Japanese shoppers, get out your scissors.
  local shopper 0.72   Local shoppers knew something was up.
  palestinian shopper 0.72   Instead, he founded Palestinian shoppers in the street and took pictures.
  on-line shopper 0.59   On-line shoppers are caught in the middle of these squabbles.
  younger shopper 0.59   The Cadillac crest also has been updated to lure younger shoppers.
  new shopper 0.53   He noted that the number of new shoppers on the Web is gaining momentum.
  potential shopper 0.53   Other retailers cited the Olympics for keeping potential shoppers at home.
  savvy shopper 0.53   Savvy U.S. shoppers fly or cruise in to do Christmas shopping.
  eager shopper 0.46   Eager shoppers lined up before opening time Monday, she said.
  fellow shopper 0.46   Dear fellow shopper,
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